Mike Myers
  • Richlandtown, PA
  • United States
  • Modern Showroom Consulting
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Mike Myers's Friends

  • Bobby
  • Ashley Meyers
  • Matthew Mader
  • Braden Cox
  • Jon Singer
  • Daniel Tegeder
  • Alain Lustig
  • Judy Barnes
  • Ned Johnson
  • Jason Parman
  • Connie Keane
  • jeff sterns
  • Rebecca Williamson
  • Kim Essenmacher
  • Jeffrey Seyler

Mike Myers's Page

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Modern Showroom Consulting
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Modern Showroom Trainer
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Chris Saraceno and I stared DealerELITE in March 2010.

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Mike Myers's Blog

Handle the Price Objection Once and for All!

Posted on July 25, 2018 at 12:30pm 0 Comments

One of the things I like to do when I visit a dealership is to grab a manager and ask him/her to come with me and find their best salesperson. I then ask the manager to role play the dreaded question with his/her salesperson: “What’s your best price?”

I don’t have to tell you what kind of reply I usually hear. It strikes me as odd that most…


How to Get the Appointment Almost Every Time!

Posted on July 25, 2018 at 12:00pm 0 Comments

Below is a script I’ve come up with over the years to better help me get more appointments. Unfortunately, so many salespeople and BDC agents (even managers) seem to fumble this necessary skill. The good news is this script, when used properly, can be a great tool to add to your toolbox and help you get more commitments over the phone and email. It’s written…


BDC Manager and Rep Pay Plan Examples

Posted on August 26, 2015 at 10:00pm 2 Comments

I've been asked this question so many times, so I decided to put together my own personal guide to share. Do with it what you will. Accept it, challenge it, modify it, it's at least a starting point. It's attached as well. Enjoy!



The Art of the T.O. (in my opinion)

Posted on December 1, 2013 at 5:35pm 9 Comments

I had the luxury of being able to watch a rookie sales manager T.O. his first customer and it reminded me of a few things I've learned along the way.

He was our top salesperson for a few years and took a promotion to management recently. He's good at what he does and it was natural for him to go out and perform his first T.O. When he went out there, he went with confidence and purpose. He wore his best smile and greeted the customer professionally. Where he was located in the…


Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 11:30am on November 30, 2013, Daniel Tegeder said…

Can we start a Nissan community

At 3:05pm on July 6, 2013, Daniel Tegeder said…

There is nothing wrong with being to nice thats why I like to get involved early in the process . It always surprises the customer to meet the sales manager upfront.

At 3:46pm on October 6, 2011, John Miller said…
Thanks for Joining Understanding Craigslist!  I hope we can offer you some excellent content.  I know we offer you a place where opinion is strongly encouraged.  I look forward to our conversations.  

John Miller
At 6:20pm on January 17, 2011, Brian Story said…



Can we set up a call with Kurt to get thing moving?

At 1:28pm on January 13, 2011, Brian Story said…

Hey Mike,

How are things going? The end of the year was hectic, glad it's over. I am looking forward to a great 2011. I may be back in PA soon. Are you attending NADA?


At 11:21pm on August 9, 2010, Mark Hergert said…

Very impressed with your work !


Mark Hergert
AutoCredit Dealer Marketing
At 12:03pm on March 13, 2010, Cathy Aron said…
That's cool Michael! Forgive my ignorance, who is "Chris"? I am Canadian and not familiar (yet)with all the key people in the auto industry in the U.S.
At 4:05pm on March 12, 2010, Suzanne Lucas said…
Hi Michael.
Where is Richlandtown Pa? I grew up in Lancaster County Pa, but never heard of your town. How many dealerships does your group have?
Thanks for the friend invite. I look forward to networking with you.
At 3:45pm on March 12, 2010, Christine Cain said…
Hi Mike,
Thanks for reaching out to me. I was wondering which of us would get to it first. I'm looking forward to all the insite this network will have to offer!
At 2:38pm on March 12, 2010, Cathy Aron said…
Hi Michael,

Thank you for connecting with me here on Dealer Elite. I look forward to learning more from you and others in this online community!

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