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Comment by Roger Williams on February 23, 2015 at 6:12pm
Great question
Typically on a "hard bump" the manager or sales person take the customer off the showroom floor into an office - if that doesn't work we take one last shot at the new vehicle. As you suggested we have found that the difficult bumps often take place away from the sales floor in an isolated office or in the new vehicle. A sales manager I worked with was the master at closing the deal in the new car. He would have it cleaned for delivery, filled with gas and even if the deal appeared stuck or too far apart Milt had a high closing ratio at or in the car. Often he would walk the customers over to it and they would automatically climb in. That meant we had a deal!
Comment by Brian Bennington on February 23, 2015 at 12:23am

Well Rog, here I am again, the first to respond to your post.  Considering you only had three minutes to do this, you did an excellent job of hitting the high points.  But, what's with a rep who runs to the desk the first time they hear a little "No."  You can't be encouraging them to do it that quick.  I'd be hard-pressed to believe you're not teaching them to handle objections, like "too much," on their own.  The last thing I wanted to do was talk to the desk, at least until I had a workable offer.  I never met a desk who really wanted to be bothered until they were sure the rep had something they could get their teeth into.

Question?  As a sales teacher, did you ever encourage the reps, when they had a "hard bump," to set the customer in the vehicle they wanted, and on bended knee with the driver's door open, present the numbers?  I've never heard or seen anyone do it over the years I sold vehicles.  You know, I did this on the first vehicle I ever sold, as I had learned long before that the closer you can get the customer to what they're buying, the better the chance of a favorable outcome.  That first time the desk gave me a $100+ monthly bump, I was desperate for a sales tool, but it was only my third day and the only thing I could come up with was using the new Ford truck the customers wanted and it's wonderful new car "ether" smell to help me.

Looking forward to your next video!     

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