Too many times we hear of the "Horse" on the Salesforce selling 20-30 units per mo. Should Dealerships look more towards the Closing Ratios or Total Sales to Evaluate a Salesperson?

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Reading back over the posts, I am thinking that Glenn's conversation with the dealer comparing the two sales people's sales counts and closing ratios were probably two different animals. Many stores have the old work horse, veteran, who does not take fresh "ups" and works off previous customers and referrals, (the 9/29, 31% salesperson) or the stallion (22/113, 19% salesperson). It would not be fair to compare closing ratios of these two sorts, the return customer vs. the first time visitor cannot be put into the same category...

Manny....Love that planner! Even though my phone does it all, I still like the agenda to look at my day/month/year at a glance! I am not in sales right now, but I carry it with me wherever I go!

Another round of coffee for everyone! Hey, knew we would have to brew another pot for this conversation! It belongs in Carbucks as it can go on and on.....

Who's up next? I think its your turn Nancy!
This is another thing that frustrates me...Or the monthly objectives that vary month to month based on performance... Selling a high volume of units for the past three months should not be a handicap to a salesperson when calculating their objective for a total sales staff bonus plan... This is not golf, or a game but a career and a livelihood!

Craig Lockerd said:

...listen to this, you guys know Kyle my youngest son,he got a job at a Ford Store in Ohio...up system...10 guys,he is 10th...goes by senority????? if you suck but have been there 5 years you get the 3rd up it me or is that crazy???
Paul Hardy said:
I know for me when I 1st entered the car biz I only cared about how many I sold. I was in a big dealership that did 600+ per month. If someone did not want to buy soooooo what. NEXT! Then I moved to a smaller import store where we did not have the same amount of volume. Then closing ratio became important since I had less oppurtunity. Thats why some dealers have an "Up System" So you stay with your people longer. And treat each person as if they will be your last. As of now I still put an importance on the close ratio. turn...

Glenn Wilkins said:
Lol Manny...Nothing beats the ole Day Planner!!!!!!!

....If you're going to use an "Up System" do it like a baseball lineup,want your "best hitters" at the top of your line up because they get the most at bats!
This is another thing that frustrates me...Or the monthly objectives that vary month to month based on performance... Selling a high volume of units for the past three months should not be a handicap to a salesperson when calculating their objective for a total sales staff bonus plan... This is not golf, or a game but a career and a livelihood!

Craig Lockerd said:

...listen to this, you guys know Kyle my youngest son,he got a job at a Ford Store in Ohio...up system...10 guys,he is 10th...goes by senority????? if you suck but have been there 5 years you get the 3rd up it me or is that crazy???
Paul Hardy said:
I know for me when I 1st entered the car biz I only cared about how many I sold. I was in a big dealership that did 600+ per month. If someone did not want to buy soooooo what. NEXT! Then I moved to a smaller import store where we did not have the same amount of volume. Then closing ratio became important since I had less oppurtunity. Thats why some dealers have an "Up System" So you stay with your people longer. And treat each person as if they will be your last. As of now I still put an importance on the close ratio.
And what if they show up late for work Craig????

Craig Lockerd said:

....If you're going to use an "Up System" do it like a baseball lineup,want your "best hitters" at the top of your line up because they get the most at bats!
This is another thing that frustrates me...Or the monthly objectives that vary month to month based on performance... Selling a high volume of units for the past three months should not be a handicap to a salesperson when calculating their objective for a total sales staff bonus plan... This is not golf, or a game but a career and a livelihood!

Craig Lockerd said:

...listen to this, you guys know Kyle my youngest son,he got a job at a Ford Store in Ohio...up system...10 guys,he is 10th...goes by senority????? if you suck but have been there 5 years you get the 3rd up it me or is that crazy???
Paul Hardy said:
I know for me when I 1st entered the car biz I only cared about how many I sold. I was in a big dealership that did 600+ per month. If someone did not want to buy soooooo what. NEXT! Then I moved to a smaller import store where we did not have the same amount of volume. Then closing ratio became important since I had less oppurtunity. Thats why some dealers have an "Up System" So you stay with your people longer. And treat each person as if they will be your last. As of now I still put an importance on the close ratio.
I will take the unit and gross man over the 75% 9 car closer!

Glenn Wilkins said:
This was an actual Topic in a conversation with a Dealer when discussing his salesforce. He was using a very good Tracking/Follow Up System. He ran a report with the actual Sales/Closing Ratios for each salesperson MTD...His "Stud" Salesperson had 22 units sold with 113 Ups....Another salesperson had 9 with 29 Ups. So my question is Who do you feel is better...The Most in sales or the Best in Closing Ratio?
The salesperson that delivers 25-30 units per month comes everyday to work, to work. Phone calls, follow-ups, prospects, follows a sales process. In order to increase performance and plan next month production (money and units) he needs to know what happened the month before, units sold, gross profit and closing ratio. Now he is in a position to say, base on my closing ratio I need to see X amount of people to reach my new goal.
Great Question Glenn...
i have had both work for me...the "horse" who just gets out there and runs...closing ratio of 25-35%...
factoring out all the "penciling" you get from your charge...and i am cool with that...because everything else takes care of itself...
but i have also had the "wanna screw guy" the same cat that sits outside my office and gets hung up on 4-5 times a day...his closing average was no better than the guy selling half of those cars...because he is not there bell to bell...which allows a more realistic evaluation...
as the "desk" ... just like being the head coach of an nfl team...
you need to be aware of all of your "players"
Manny, I understand your point, but it's not a "reality". 30 Car per month Salespeople DON'T TAKE "UPS". They do 90%+ of their sales from repeat and referral business.
Micro Manage a 30 Car+ individual and watch how fast he or she takes their "Customer Base" with them when they leave.
Do 30+ Cars for me per month, and you can come and go as you please. As long as paperwork is "clean" and ALL money is collected.
When I was a GM, I had two Salespeople I got anywhere from 55 - 75 units per month, at above average grosses. They were not even on my "floor coverage" schedule. Why would they be? They didn't cover the floor!


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