Today on Face Book We/AutoMax started to promote a Blog Talk Radio Show I will be hosting Tuesday evening [That's a plug] The Topic "From New To Pro, First 90 Days On The Sales Floor" [Another plug]

I am certain the following can't be true in every dealership......right?

A gentleman made this comment

If you ever find a dealer willing to invest in the consistent training of his new hires you'll have accomplished a miracle! Here's what I hear far to often: "What if I spend the money to train them and they leave?" To which I reply, "...What if you don't train them and they stay!" And, isn't that the killer? How much does it cost the dealer for an untrained, unknowledgable salesperson to wait on 20, or more customers in a month? In any other business it's absolutely unheard of."
            Please Mr./Mrs. Dealer or Manager tell me this isn't true! Please share with dealerELITE what your dealership is doing in regard to ongoing development that is gaining additional market share for your dealership.Please tell me how your developing future management with every salesperson you hire.We agree that salespeople are the oxygen and water dealerships must have to breath and drink, to stay alive and thrive..............correct?
            P.S. Are we 100% still sold on the "Circuit City" dress code?

Views: 74

Replies to This Discussion

Funny Rick! It was a blonde thing... I have been singing "Say it isn't so..." by Hall and Oates all morning... sure beats. "Where oh where has my little dog gone?" which is usually stuck in my head...

Richard Emmons said:
Thanks Nancy. Comptrollers always have to keep me on track. I was more hitchhiking on the. Quote.

Please Mr./Mrs. Dealer or Manager tell me this isn't true! Please share with dealerELITE what your dealership is doing in regard to ongoing development that is gaining additional market share for your dealership.Please tell me how your developing future management with every salesperson you hire.We agree that salespeople are the oxygen and water dealerships must have to breath and drink, to stay alive and thrive..............correct?

The fact that all this money is spend before they are even hired and before they ever talk to a customer. There is typically no structured plan upfront to help them have a shot to survive let alone thrive. Reality does dictate that store managers do not have the want to make the time. Say It Ain't So, Joe
So many Great points made here....I just want to add that Greenpeas "Shadowing" other salespeople is not considered Great Training!!
Yes, check out Brad Alexander's video "mentoring" to see what that is like.... Great point, Glenn!

Glenn Wilkins said:
So many Great points made here....I just want to add that Greenpeas "Shadowing" other salespeople is not considered Great Training!!

...Yes, Yes, Yes...Brad's Video Nails it!
Yes, check out Brad Alexander's video "mentoring" to see what that is like.... Great point, Glenn!

Glenn Wilkins said:
So many Great points made here....I just want to add that Greenpeas "Shadowing" other salespeople is not considered Great Training!!
A wise dealer once told me, " You start training the day your hired, you quit training the day you retire and everything in between is an education". Does a lawyer quit learning when he puts up his shingle, is a doctor done studying when he begins his practice? All professionals must continue learning to hone their skills. Why would it be any different with professional salespeople? Every dealer is looking for the 20+ salesperson, who knows, with the right training and motivation it could be that guy on your floor selling 10 a month now.


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