How do you develop leaders in your business??


First of all, I think it is important to get EVERYONE to understand….that they are ALL leaders.


This is a tough concept for some people. Maybe they feel like the average employee out there, just doing what they are told and moving forward in life…..


But the fact is…..we are ALL leaders!!


Whether we lead an organization….. or a team of people…… or our families…..and most importantly….we lead ourselves….


We lead ourselves out of bed every morning with the responsibilities of the world in front of us.


We need to provide for ourselves….. before we can provide for our families and then provide for our careers…


There is a survey of people across America out there that was performed by the Harr group…...


Now in this survey, thousands of people felt that they worked very hard at their jobs, but they worried about their effectiveness…..


The survey revealed this……


Only 14% are accomplishing as much as they believe they could…… you think the employees believe they can do more???  Of course….


Only 17% could prepare a plan for the day… that leaves 83% with NO plan…..YIKES!!


And rewards of working…. are low……… only 50% feel satisfied and fulfilled with their work…..


So what does this tell us???


There is a clear void to be filled in the leadership gap….


Make no mistake about it……people want to lead and be led……


People want to feel significance in their lives……


So how do you develop this leader inside that we all crave to be???


Well…..leadership development occurs over time….


It is not a one shot program…..


There are no instant 3 day courses that will transform someone into a leader….


It is an every day…..non…stop……journey through personal development…


Let me give you a simple equation….


Knowledge   =   confidence….


When you feel confident with what you do…… and do it to your greatest potential….it is very fulfilling…


Giving a person simple leadership tools such as….


Goal setting…


Having a daily plan……


Practice….drill…and rehearse….


Being process driven….


Holding yourself and others accountable…


Doing everything legally….ethically ….and morally correct…


Setting aside 15 minutes a day to further their own skill set….whether that be motivational…..inspirational….factual…or educational………


The point is….you don’t ever get a “buy in” from people… a matter of fact…I dislike the term….no one “buys in”….you have to SELL them…


You have to sell them on the facts that the only way to get ahead in life and feel fulfilled is to lead yourself to a higher level….


You need to give them all the tools…. The resources….and most of all….you need someone there to mentor them on a daily basis…


That is the job of the head person in charge…you lead from the top….


And if you lead from the top…..the rest falls into place….


To see a video of this blog, please go to the following link:


Jim Kristoff Website - How do you Develop Leaders?


About the Author: With 30 years in the retail Automotive Industry, from a Salesperson to a Dealer, I have a vast amount of experience in all areas of an automotive environment. You can follow me on my website,, on twitter @jimkristoff, my WordPress blogsite ,on LinkedIn or on youtube,


Views: 48


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Comment by Jim Kristoff on September 13, 2011 at 12:17pm

Thanks Marsh!

Digging back into the blog archives....huh??


Comment by Marsh Buice on September 13, 2011 at 12:08pm
Jim, great post. If I may add, it is a "buy" and "sell" agreement; I think you have to "sell" yourself that you have the character, quality, and integrity to get those you lead to the next level; if they dont believe in you they will not follow. Conversly,if those we lead, truly want to rise, they have to "buy" into wanting to make a difference in their own lives. We can sell them on the idea, but they have buy in to do the work. I think it is dualistic; I tell my team, "I can't want it more for you than you do for yourself. "
Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 1, 2011 at 2:00pm

Thanks Tony!


Comment by Tony Provost on August 1, 2011 at 1:52pm
Jim, Empower them right away. Let employees know, they are responsible immediately. With the respect of empowerment, comes the responsibility of the individual. This business will be using less management as time goes on, everyone will be multitasking more. Nice article!
Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 1, 2011 at 10:49am

Thanks Bobby!

Too many people fail simply because they do NOT believe in themselves!


Comment by Jim Kristoff on August 1, 2011 at 9:40am
Amen to that Stephanie!!
Comment by Stephanie Young on August 1, 2011 at 9:24am
Rome was not built in a day and neither were it's leaders!!!

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