Jackie, Joe, Jim, Dave, David, or Grant?

In a make believe world, If dE bought a dealership and we had these 6 Automotive Legends (in their prime) 

Who would be the Best Dealer? Why?


Jackie B. Cooper / Joe Verde / Jim Ziegler / Dave Anderson / David Lewis / Grant Cardone



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Comment by John C Hamlin on June 5, 2011 at 12:57pm

My first trainer was Jackie and as a young [21 years old] man i was very impressed, and his training was probably the best for those days and that era. Hands down today? Grant! I have in one way or another worked with all of these gentlemen in the past and they are all good all professional. Bottom line, Grants training had a major affect on my income. I dont just want to be entertained ''thats the fun part'' I want to walk away with measurable growth.

Comment by Guy Manasse on June 5, 2011 at 12:48pm
These guy's are all great and any Dealer would be better for it. Jackie Cooper in his prime would have blown all of them away and i think the group would admit it. My dad said "enthusiasm is contagious" which Grant and Ziegler have extra. But in sports you have to go with fresh legs, Grant is on a role right now.
Comment by Michael Baker on June 4, 2011 at 7:10pm
Hand down Grant.
Comment by Tobias Sedillos on June 4, 2011 at 1:40pm
I am not sure about that - but I do know that if you threw Joe Girard into the mix, he would have beat them all.  In his prime, he was averaging over 100 cars a month... all by repeat and referral.  While they would be busy trying to "close ups", he'd be completeing the paperwork on people who were buying their 5th car from him; and then swiftly moving onto his next appointment.  I've heard there was a line 10-12 deep before the door opened on Saturdays.  To me, the math is simple.  Still a fun one to ponder:  Thank you Chris!
Comment by Richard Emmons on June 4, 2011 at 1:31pm

I think Jackie Cooper would because he was the closer of all closer's. He came to our store once and only took ups after they were out the door on the way to their car. We really tried as hard as we could (because he was there really really put in the extra effort) He sold 6 cars that Saturday. Unreal. The one I remember best was a guy that said "NO WAY AM I COMMING BACK INSIDE" Jackie passed him his own wallet through the window of his car and quickly went back to the showroom. Naturally the guy came back in to return his wallet with a big smile on his face saying "ok,Ok! What's the best you can do. He was delivered with in one hour. Emotional selling at its finest.  That was my customer that I had lost. 1984 Queen City Toyota Manchester NH.

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