New "Best Online Practice" Study Released

We (CarWoo!) recently completed a review of over 7000 transactions that processed through the CarWoo! MarketPlace and I would like to share our findings with my friends here on DealerELITE.


            The three key take away’s from our efforts are:

  1. The hours of operation of your Internet department are mis-aligned with online shoppers. You should consider reviewing your department’s hours of operations and align them with online shoppers not your showroom hours.
  2. Selling cars online is really easy if your intention is to help the buyer first and yourself second. The words you use matter far less then the intentions behind them and online every buyer is trying to pick apart your words to understand your intentions. Good Intentions = Good Selling
  3. If you want to own your own backyard be prepared to offer them the best deal but don’t take them for granted. Our data shows that a 10x increase in closing local buyers can be achieved. (You’ll have to master #2 of course)


I hope you enjoy the info-graphic and if you would like more info surf over to the CarWoo! Chronicle blog where my good friend Dave Erikson of Downtown LA VW has his review of the info-graphic and will be adding a how-to guide for embracing this new intelligence and developing a strategy for selling successfully to your online neighbors!


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Comment by Mark Dubis on May 17, 2012 at 3:27pm

Good information.  Thanks for sharing. 

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