The 2013 Women In Remarketing Awards in San Diego President and Car Buying Advocate, Anne Fleming, had the privilege of being honored to the 2013 Women in Remarketing class in San Diego at #usedcarweek.

Other women honored from various aspects and leadership roles, include:

  • Lisa Filippi-Alvarez, @Honda Motor Company
  • Valerie Fuller, @FordDirect_com
  • Isabelle Helms, @AutoTrader_com
  • Rebecca Hewitt, Southeast Toyota Finance
  • Cheryl DeVries-O’Brien, Greater Kalamazoo Auction
  • Alison Ouchi, Ally Servicing
  • Julie Picard, @Manheim
  • Lisa Scott. ADESA and @OpenLane
  • Patty Stanley, Carolina Auction
  • Laura Taylor, Charleston Action
  • Jennell Ross, @BobRoss Auto Group
  • Sue Saris, @NAAA

The event was moderated by Andrea Riley, past award recipient and CMO of Ally Financial. Many thanks @autoremkting for hosting such a wonderful, innovative event.

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Comment by Anne Fleming on November 30, 2013 at 3:13pm
Thank you dE and Paul... What fun and an honor to be in the company of such great leaders from many sectors of our industry!
Comment by DealerELITE on November 30, 2013 at 1:22pm

Way to go Anne!

Comment by Paul Accinno on November 30, 2013 at 9:15am

Congrats to all the winners! Nice job ladies...thanks for your contributions.

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