So here you are, smiling from ear to ear waiting for that special moment in your day when the be-back bus finally comes!  The moment that inspires a salesperson as one of your prospects walks into your showroom for another visit. It’s exciting isn’t it? You just can’t wait to greet them at the door, right?

We are grateful that the customer thought enough of the salesperson, the dealership and the product to come back
to us.  We’re certain that if the customer is back and most likely they’re here to do business with us.  That’s all good news but be careful what you wish for.


What should we do when the be-back bus shows up?

Before we can get into a discussion about what needs to be done we must understand where the customer’s
emotional state is right now.

Let’s discuss what transpired in the first visit:

  • In the previous visit, we built rapport.
  • Performed a need's analysis.
  • We demonstrated the benefits of our products.  
  • Created value and at some point an emotional
    connection to our product was made.

All these steps created a demand for the product you were selling.  The emotional desire to own your product was greater than the logical decision to debate costs.  The close was ripe for that first visit but…for some reason, the sale didn’t transpire.    

Let’s discuss what transpired on the be-back visit:

  • Someone deflated your customers’ emotional balloon.
  • What was once a “necessity” is now another thing what can go wrong?
  • What was once the value is now an added cost?
  • The desire to own a new car now became a burden on the expense table.
  • The expert who presented the product is now an adversary who wants my money.

So what happened to all that emotional energy? Where did the value disappear to?  Here’s the answer! The ether wore off.  The emotional decision that was created out of desire is now a logical decision based on economics. 


Logical decisions are slow and indecisive while emotional decisions are fast and final”

- Author unknown

So what’s a salesperson supposed to do now?  The answer is even simpler than one might think.  The salesperson
must start the process again!  DO NOT under any circumstances go right into a write-up or negotiations. Remember, the logical state of mind is most prevalent here and not our emotional state.

  • Begin by welcoming your guest(s) again and thanking them for returning to the dealership.
  • If you knew ahead of time (and you should) that the guest(s) was coming back? 
    You should have brought the vehicle they were interested into the front
    of the showroom.  Making sure it was clean and in the best presentable condition.
  • Sit the customer down and review their needs analysis and what transpired during their last visit.
  • Present the vehicle again! Yep, you heard it right.  Perform another presentation reiterating
    how your product meets their needs fulfillment.
  • Demonstrate the vehicle again!  We need to create that emotional attachment again so by taking another drive you start to build value again.  “Mr./Mrs. Jones I’ve taken the liberty to pull your car up right here.  That way we
    can evaluate it again just to make sure it meets all of your concerns.” 
  • Prior to the write-up take another tour of the dealership.  Sell the guest(s) on why they would consider your dealership over any others they may have considered prior to coming back.
  • Review your evidence manual.  Show the customer why they made a wise decision to do business with you. 
  • Prepare the paperwork and assume the sale. Don’t offer to negotiate but simply state “Mr. /Mrs. Jones, will you be titling your new car in one name or both?” Let the negotiations take place at your guest(s) initiation.

Building value and creating the emotional element is crucial when the be-back bus arrives.  Much of the energy and excitement were lost overnight or prior to their last visit.  The guest(s) may have come back armed for a fight only to succumb to the professional atmosphere you create.  Remember, the ether might have worn off but the perception of value is forever.

Welcome that be-back bus with preparation and professionalism.


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Comment by Marsh Buice on January 7, 2012 at 10:17am

Joe, excellent points and something we fail to remember to do. Customer's come in wearing their logical boots and view the experience as a necessity and expense. You bring up a great point to reintroduce your product in order to get your customers to climb back into the emotional saddle once again. Think about it like this, if your favorite show is broken into two different shows because of its length, what's the first thing the producers do? "Last time on..." They bring the viewer's emotions back into the forefront so the viewer can emotionally reengage from where they left off last week. We should do the same...great reminder.

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