When making the perfect peanut butter chocolate pie (my all time favorite), there are several ingredients that go in to make the perfect tasting pie. When it comes to selling a new or used vehicle, there are also certain ingredients that will facilitate a sale.

With the pie baking analogy not only do you need the right ingredients, but you also need the right pre baking components in order to make the pie like an oven, baking pans, measuring cups etc. When it comes to making a car sales your pre baking components per se would consist of your attitude (a positive infectious one for sure), the way you’re dressed, your level of confidence/competence, and your level of communication (verbal, tone of voice and non verbal) skills.

When making the pie assuming that you have all the pre baking necessities as mentioned above combined with the right ingredients that are in the proper order, the end result is a perfect tasting peanut butter chocolate pie.

In terms of selling a new or used vehicle assuming that you also have the right pre selling components as mentioned above, then all you need to do is sprinkle the right ingredients in and voila…a sale is made.

How many times have we all heard from the customers that, “We’re just looking. We’re not buying today. We’re just shopping. We’re a month out. Two months out. Three months out. Six months out. A year down the road.” In most cases those responses are purely a reflex response triggered from fear of loss.

However in some cases they are the truth. You could hear something like, “We’re shopping for a Kia Optima, a Nissan Altima, and a Toyota Camry. You’re our first stop so we’re not making a decision until we see all three.”

Assuming that this is factual and you’re a Kia salesperson which is the first on their list, you can still make the sale by having all the right ingredients combined with all the proper pre selling components in place. So here’s how with the following ingredients:

  • The number one ingredient is YOU! You have to sell yourself first and foremost. Getting people to like and trust you while building a high level of rapport is the single most important ingredient. Without that ingredient it will keep the shopper a shopper.
  • Secondly, you MUST follow and execute a sales process that will “Wow” your customers. From the meeting and greeting, to the fact finding, to the presentation/demonstration, to a menu of buying options that you have an opportunity to close upon. You need to (as Grant Cardone says) “Superfreak” each steps of the sales process that far exceeds your customer’s expectations in every way, shape and form.
  • The third ingredient is that you need to have a vehicle that fits their wants and needs that hopefully they fall in love with. If you can’t find a vehicle that fits the mold of what they are looking for or that they don’t like, then putting a deal together will be next to impossible.
  • Fourthly, you need to sell the benefits of your dealership, your service department etc. This is usually the easiest of the ingredients to add to the mix, but the one that most salespeople omit in their process. If you’ve done an excellent job of selling yourself, and you’ve “Superfreaked” every step of your sales process, combined with finding a vehicle that fits their needs as well as doing a solid job of selling the benefits of your dealership the last ingredient is…
  • The last ingredient is always financial. It’s a price, a payment, a down payment, or a trade figure. Getting the right “deal” for the customer at this point is the only thing of standing in the way of taking a shopper and turning them into a buyer.

So get your pre sale components together, and then combine them with the needed ingredients for a sale and watch your closing ratios rise.



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