What's The Worst Thing That Could Happen Today?

What's the worst thing that could happen if you ask a customer to buy from YOU right now and they say NO?

Chances are: 
You'll still eat a meal tonight.
You'll still have a car to get into and leave this evening. 
You'll still have a home to go to.
You'll still be able to sleep in your own bed.
You'll still have people who love you.
You'll still be a good person.
You'll still be alive to tell about it. 
Asking never killed a salesperson-not asking has. It's what you didn't ask for that has robbed you of your hopes, wishes, dreams, and a better way of living.  Go For No author Andrea Waltz put it best this way, "When the model we operate with is about protection...avoid 'failure' at all costs, opportunities are wildly limited." It's when you stopped asking that has caused you to be negative in your bank account, past due on your car note, and late on your mortgage. It's not asking that has caused you to have to borrow money from your parents-again, have no insurance, and manipulate the government for assistance. Not asking has caused you to put borders around your potential-the more you don't ask for, the tighter those borders have become. Not asking causes you to succumb to a life of just holding on, waiting for the big break that never comes and drifting through your one life-dead at 20, buried at 70.
Everything you want in life is on the other side of what you ask for. Everyone wants, but most won't take the risk to simply ask.
So I ask you again, what's the worst thing that could happen if you ask a customer to buy from you right now?
The worst thing that could happen is they won't buy-as a matter of fact, statistically speaking, even if you do everything right, they still won't buy. 
On the flip side, when you ask, what's the best thing that could happen? How about, a life that you never thought were possible. While others answered their fears, you were bold enough take the leap to ask-and when they said no, you didn't lose, you learned. You learned what you should've said, offered, presented, and what you could've tried. Risking rewires your brain and rewards you with greater and greater opportunities. The more you risk by asking, the more opportunities become available.  With great risks, come even greater rewards. 
One in the most powerful verbs in life is ASK. It's your job to ask; it's their job to answer. 
I'll see you on the Blacktop. 

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Comment by Marsh Buice on September 19, 2014 at 9:48pm
James thanks for reading brother- I appreciate the support :)
Comment by Marsh Buice on September 19, 2014 at 9:47pm
@ Joe you make a great addition- you must earn the right and if it's untimely asked, your sale could die an untimely death :) Initially the questions should be framed to gauge their expectations and offer guidance. Once you've built credibility and trust then you can pepper more personal questions. As sp I I think we sway to either extreme- either we don't ask enough (bc we ASSume) or we ask untimely. Thanks for your addition brother.
Comment by James Campbell on September 19, 2014 at 5:33pm

Great post Marsh!  I always enjoy reading your content.  Keep them coming!

Comment by Joe Clementi on September 19, 2014 at 11:38am
Marsh. Excellent post my brother! The process of evaluating and understanding your customers is a crucial step in the process of connecting the customer with their ideal car.
If I might add my two cents..."never ask a truly personal question until you have earned the right". An untimely question can lead to the immediate demise of the sale. As you know, our process is centered on the “cornerstone” which as the name indicates is the actual building block in the foundation of the sale.

Asking questions is the critical aspect of converting the potential customer into an actual customer. Good questions allow the customer to transition from cautiously guarded to open and trusting. That trust permits the sales person from being in an adversarial role into an advisors position.

Another excellent read my friend.
Comment by Marsh Buice on September 18, 2014 at 2:21pm

Jeffrey, great question! The "ask" can be answered in 2 parts:

1) many times we don't ask for: phone numbers, line of work, demo, and for the business bc we assume the customer will say "No." Successful salespeople have to be audacious (bold) in asking questions. Give customers a chance to say no, don't do it for them.

2) The other part of the ask is we must earn the right to ask (for the sale). The way that you do that is make sure our customers are more informed than when they first arrived. (I always ask myself: Are you customer's better off/more informed than when they first arrived?) Customers come in with assumptions, uncertainties, and fears, and we have to make sure that we are doing a better job addressing and dispelling those concerns.  It doesn't mean we are a doormat/apprasial service, but what it does mean is that we frame our sales process by understanding the customer's expectation asking questions such as will they be using the vehicle for, who will be the main driver, how will the customer be using the vehicle (highway, in town, both) and what kind of equipment must they have (and what would be nice to have)

 Customers get annoyed with us because based on our assumptions, we do all of the talking and none of the listening. We are in the " motor-vational" business. We've got to get our customers excited about our product-selectively present our product focusing on features that are important to them, all the while assuring them the that we will be here to take care of them before, during, and after the sale.

In short: we must stay curious and ask-if it's not clear, ask more questions so that you can gain a better understanding of what the customer's thought process is; act boldly, giving your customer a chance to say no (and not do it for them), and last you must earn the right to ask for the sale by focusing and addressing their needs and concerns.

Asking will litterally save your life (the life of your sales career).

Comment by Jeffrey Seyler on September 17, 2014 at 3:35pm

What a great concept, ask the question! I guess the only hazard in asking the question is "Where and When" you ask. For guys like you Marsh this is a no brainer, do you have any advise about the proper time and place to pull this particular trigger during your presentation?

Comment by Marsh Buice on September 17, 2014 at 1:28pm

Al, glad it helped sir-we could all use a little motivation:) Thanks for checking out sir

Comment by Al Stidham on September 17, 2014 at 12:59pm

Now that's what I call motivation!  Thanks, Marsh.

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