Who is familiar with the DISC? I will be explaining the four personality types starting on Monday with an overall view of the disc. Tuesday I will devote to the D personality, Wednesday the I personality, Thursday the S personality, and conclude on Friday with the C personality. Please tune in for some great training tips. It just may change the way you treat your customers and your bosses and co- workers. See you then!

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Add 3 minute video segments on dE and we could share w ith all members
Joe your the best !!!!
Looking forward to your share brother Brunner!
Thanks Bobby!

Bobby Compton said:
Looking forward to your share brother Brunner!
No Manny... You are the best!

Joe your the best !!!!
I just took one of these recently. Unfortunately it was in an interview, it was my first time seeing the test, and I was overly influenced. My current boss is always badgering me about my agressive personality and giving me pointers to "being a real person". So, thinking that maybe every single person I ever encountered before him in the industry was wrong, I answered the way I had recently been taught. I completely failed! When I took the test again according to how I truly feel I completely passed! But, by then it was too late and inappropriate to explain.
Maybe you took another test Rachael. There is no pass or fail on the DISC. Sounds like you are a D. Aggressive people do well in the car business because they are goal oriented, and with patience at the right times can become outstanding producers and great leaders. Tune in on Monday!

Rachael Schulz Dunbar said:
I just took one of these recently. Unfortunately it was in an interview, it was my first time seeing the test, and I was overly influenced. My current boss is always badgering me about my agressive personality and giving me pointers to "being a real person". So, thinking that maybe every single person I ever encountered before him in the industry was wrong, I answered the way I had recently been taught. I completely failed! When I took the test again according to how I truly feel I completely passed! But, by then it was too late and inappropriate to explain.
I am so looking forward to your DISC training Joe! I am so intrigued by this whole concept of learning to treat people the way "they" want to be treated and how to put teams together etc... This info is critical for every type of business, especially if you interact with the general public. This is so generous of you to share this information, Joe and I hope everyone takes advantage of this and tunes into the discussions! So happy to have you be such and integral part of Carbucks here and on facebook! You are tops...best of the best! I have a Brunner Brew waiting for you Brother, just how you like it!!!!
Thanks Nancy... Monday will be fun!

I am so looking forward to your DISC training Joe! I am so intrigued by this whole concept of learning to treat people the way "they" want to be treated and how to put teams together etc... This info is critical for every type of business, especially if you interact with the general public. This is so generous of you to share this information, Joe and I hope everyone takes advantage of this and tunes into the discussions! So happy to have you be such and integral part of Carbucks here and on facebook! You are tops...best of the best! I have a Brunner Brew waiting for you Brother, just how you like it!!!!
I have a busy day tomorrow and it is Monday somewhere so here goes... Have you ever met someone you really liked? I mean you just had instant chemistry! Ever met someone that you didn't like at first, but changed your mind in a few days or weeks? Ever met someone and you even wondered why you made an effort at all?
Sure you have! It's because all people are different. The good news is... that people are predictably different and fall into four or a combination of four categories. The categories are D... I... S... and C. If you put for D's in a room and give them a task, they will argue over who is in charge and never get any work done. Four I's will laugh and tell jokes and never get any work done. Four S's need to be motivated and led before they will begin the task. The four C's will argue over the correct way to do the job and nothing will be accomplished. But... Put a D, an I, a S, and a C in the same room and give them a job and see what happens. The D will take charge; the I will communicate, entertain, and work; the S will do most of the work and the C will keep an eye on everyone to make sure the job is being done correctly! Understanding the DISC not only will help you build teams, but also will help you understand yourself, your peers, AND your customers! Come back on Tuesday for a deeper insight into the "D" personality... Joe Brunner
Thanks for the comment. You are correct. We will discuss the D in much more depth on Tuesday. Today's topic is designed to give a general layout of the DISC. How do you see the DISC helping to build solid teams and creating a better understanding between sales people, their peers, and their clients?

aaron kominsky said:
D's Asin Dominace-People who score high in the intensity of the D style factor are very active in dealing with problems and challenges, while low scoring D's believe in researching prior to giving their decisions High D people are described as demanding, foeceful, egocentric, strong willed , driven, determined, ambitious, aggressive risk taking, self starters.LowD's are conservative, low key, cooperative mild mannered, cautious agrreable and peaceful Personal growth areas strive to be an active listener,devlop a greater appreciation for the opinions , feelings and desires of other people be more frienlier and approachable .
Have you ever met someone you really liked? I mean you just had instant chemistry! Ever met someone that you didn't like at first, but changed your mind in a few days or weeks? Ever met someone and you even wondered why you made an effort at all?
Sure you have! It's because all people are different. The good news is... that people are predictably different and fall into four or a combination of four categories. The categories are D... I... S... and C... Dominant, Influencial, Steady, and compliant. If you put for D's in a room and give them a task, they will argue over who is in charge and never get any work done. Four I's will laugh and tell jokes and never get any work done. Four S's need to be motivated and led before they will begin the task. The four C's will argue over the correct way to do the job and nothing will be accomplished. But... Put a D, an I, a S, and a C in the same room and give them a job and see what happens. The D will take charge; the I will communicate, entertain, and work; the S will do most of the work and the C will keep an eye on everyone to make sure the job is being done correctly! Understanding the DISC not only will help you build teams, but also will help you understand yourself, your peers, AND your customers!


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