There are many people in this world who would rather do time than to update the Apps on their tablet or smartphone. The conspiracy theorist in many of us feel if we elect to hit the Update All button, life as we know it will all come crashing down…and they couldn’t be more right. We may be dogmatic in working to protect our personal lives, but when it comes to our professional lives, we long for comfort and convenience. We feel we’ve worked hard to arrive where we are today-we fought deficiencies, depressions, and dysfunction for many years and feel we deserve the right of passage to be satisfied with our accolades. Our low tire indicator keeps appearing on our dashboard of life alerting us that one of the wheels responsible for our success is leaking. As our complacency mounts, we elect to air up the tire, doing only what is necessary to restore our sense of normalcy instead of discovering the root cause of the leak. As we speed down the Autobahn of life, the leaking tire finally gives way-intertwining a massive pileup in both our personal and professional lives.


Life constantly throws app updates our way, yet we ignorantly choose to ignore them. We are j****** up our lives-our fear is stealing life’s custom-made opportunities, all because we dread change. Bertolt Brecht said, “Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.” You will only be given so many chances to update the apps of your career before your operating system crashes. Choose or be chosen.

  • Security: Your app has to be updated regularly to maintain safety and security. Malicious viruses of negativity and pessimism, bugs of boredom and complacency gradually creep in. Left undetected, your system can      crash-causing your career to “suddenly” fail. Build firewalls around your career by feeding yourself a buffet of positive information. Build your career having the faith of knowing why you can, not why someone thinks you cannot. Selling is built around rejection, which is why it can be lucrative. You must feel the pain of rejection to receive the gain of prosperity. Renew your mind each day; selling is an industry where it both forgives yesterday’s downfalls yet grants the grace of new beginnings tomorrow.  With such a disproportionate amount of failures, draw from the lessons of each encounter. Don’t get entrapped in why you had the misfortune, instead ask how can you can learn from the lesson so as not miss fortune the next time around. Experience can be a  great teacher, if you’ll let it.
  • Performance: Your app has to be updated regularly for optimal performance. Thanks to technology, our industry is moving forward at breakneck speed. Customers have options and demand more professionalism and knowledge from our industry than ever before. With fewer incentives, more choices, and greater technological advances, you’re app has to be up to date with distinct advantages your products offer versus your competitors’. School  is never out. Don’t be lazy in learning; the price of self-education is cheap compared to the cost of ignorance.  App updates are generally done quickly-update yours by stealing pockets of opportunity-a few minutes while standing in line at Subway or 45 minutes while waiting in the E.R. after your nail gun incident. Instead of seeing what everyone else is doing in the social media-sphere, update your app with something that will be useful in advancing your career.
  • Aesthetics: In addition to performance, your app has to be aesthetically updated. Corporations get an image facelift by updating their buildings and logos. In order to remain competitive, manufacturers update some models and cancel others deemed unprofitable-what say you?  What model of Me-hicle are your rolling around in? How do you view yourself- as bucket or a ‘Benz? Toss the dress shirts that are cuffed because they are too short; buy a new pair(s) of dress shoes and ditch the ones whose disintegrating soles sound like sandals flip flopping across the showroom floor; leave the Iron-man decathlon watch for the treadmill and buy a nice dress watch for work. Think of each day as dress as rehearsal for your future. You have to look the part you are auditioning for.


Life is always throwing sliders, curves, and fastballs our way. Some days we get a base hit while others we will strike out. But be assured you will never hit a grand slam in life while sitting in the dugout. Yes, there's an app for're on deck.


I’ll see you next time on the Blacktop.

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Comment by Pat Kirley on January 9, 2013 at 2:06am
I will and Thank you again
Comment by Marsh Buice on January 8, 2013 at 7:51pm

Pat, I'm so glad to be able to contribute where I can and appreciate that you share with your collegues. We gain so much insight when we share with one another. Writing helps me work through the issues I face everyday-my hope is that it will help others as well. Thanks Pat, as always, for continuing to read and comment. They are valued.

Comment by Pat Kirley on January 8, 2013 at 7:08pm
That was wonderful, I love your dress rehearsal remark, it is so true. You are a inspiration. I share you posts and I hope my friends and colleague gain as much from you as I do.
Many Thanks
Comment by Marsh Buice on January 7, 2013 at 9:12pm

Joe, my brother, thanks for taking the time to comment. You are so right, we can never be satisfied-our eulogy should be the note of satisfaction, until then, we've got to keep on pushing. Cheers to a great year, my friend.

Sorry about the skins brother-Saints didnt even have a

Comment by Joe Clementi on January 7, 2013 at 9:02pm
Excellent take! It proves out that you have never arrived and shouldn't take for granted what you think you have already proven. We are a "what have you done for me lately" business and reinventing yourself is essential for continued success. Nick Saban says "you can never be satisfied". Satisfaction is for those that have retired. Thank
S for the reality check my friend
Comment by Marsh Buice on December 24, 2012 at 7:55am
Clive, you've got it! We fear change so we don't update our life's apps bc we fear change- we are comfortable right where we are. If we do not change and adapt both personally and professionally, life will pass us by, unfortunate consequences ensue. Updating your phone is just a reminder we need to update our lives. Thanks Clive for sharing your perspective.
Comment by Clive Bridgeman on December 24, 2012 at 4:08am

Interesting how people take this. I think that it is our OWN app that needs updating!  Yes, our brains.  To keep ahead of the game in all its myriad forms.  Study, keep wise, don't do what they all seem to do in the UK when you ask "why do you do this?" and get the usual answer - because we have always done it this way!

Comment by Marsh Buice on December 23, 2012 at 9:00pm

Ralph, I had 11 updates to perform on my iPhone after writing this..LOL. It's funny how we let the minor daily decisions become major obstacles in our pathway to success. Easier to talk about than to execute but the quicker we take notice, the quicker we are able to get back on track. Thanks for taking the time to comment Ralph- I really appreciate it.

Comment by Ralph Paglia on December 23, 2012 at 6:22pm

Thank you Marsh, for such a thought provoking and motivational article... I enjoyed reading it, and have already started updating all my iPhone and iPad apps... Plus my anti-virus and those pesky MS Windows updates as well.  It always amazes me how we know we should be doing certain things, but we postpone and procrastinate, when all it takes is a little nudge from a friend and we snap into execution mode.  In my opinion, that is one of the roles of a dealership sales manager, to be the leader who gives his people those little nudges that help keep things moving.

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