O.K. now that He or She is hired. When is it that the Sales Management Team decide's to stop training them. 1 day--1 week--1 month.

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I have to agree with Jack on this one! The first lesson a person needs to learn as a professional salesperson, is that the learning never stops. It is a journey of growth, not a destination of acquired knowledge that ceases. The systems in place to get a new person started should be simple to explain, and easy-to-follow to promote fast and successful duplication. If the beginning salesperson is coached on simply being genuine and nice, and helping clients get the information they need to make a good ownership decision; with a good understanding of what the best next step in the process is… They should be on the fast track to getting a good start. From there, I would ask them to commit to reading two books per month committed to their personal development; and get ready to have fun watching them bloom.
Well we a; know it should be everyday of his careeer in sales Most mgrs find excuses and owners aren't strong enough to enforce it Training is everyday the professional athlethes prepare for their games so why don't salespeople? LAZYNESS and mediocrity accepted by the owner
...Here is the line I have always loved...." Ok, forget everything those AutoMax guys said, this is how we do it at Beat em up Motors!"
You are right Craig but who is accountable? The DEALER, GM and Mgrs for not enforcing it then the salespeople leave and go elswhere why because of MGMT
Well we know the answer. Most dealerships only train for ten min a week in the Saturday kick off meeting.
Jack said how it should be in one word. Tobies "Right on!" Craig, Aaron Correct!

..It is very hard to fix lazy and or stupid!
John Skelton said:
"Most mgrs find excuses and owners aren't strong enough to enforce it" WHY?

aaron kominsky said:
Well we a; know it should be everyday of his careeer in sales Most mgrs find excuses and owners aren't strong enough to enforce it Training is everyday the professional athlethes prepare for their games so why don't salespeople? LAZYNESS and mediocrity accepted by the owner
The new sales person should be partnered with a seasoned vet to experience first hand the process of selling, closing, prospecting, and follow up.

As I'm the first to place the training responsibilities on the Ownership first, and then the GM on down, I also hold the sales person equally responsible.

I'm a big fan of partnership training by example. I suggest that that the entire team play on the same field and to know what they have in each player to maximize potential profits.

Training starts from the ground up, as a great way to start a new sales person is as a lot porter for the first week. This method teaches top notch work ethic and the lay of the land.

There is a method and a system to all we do!

Great thread...
Learning either through professional trainers or in the morning sales meeting must be a life time committment go foreward by learning or backwards by sitting still.

Rick Bryant said:
Learning either through professional trainers or in the morning sales meeting must be a life time committment go foreward by learning or backwards by sitting still.

Richard Emmons said:

Rick Bryant said:
Learning either through professional trainers or in the morning sales meeting must be a life time committment go foreward by learning or backwards by sitting still.


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