...a thought for everyone to ponder as you go about your day tuned to radio station WIFM, "what's in it for me". Last night I was an invited guest at a reception for three individuals in Cumberland and Salem Counties, New Jersey who were receiving 2012 Distinguished Citizen of the Year recognition by The Boy Scouts of America, Southern New Jersey Council. Each person was vastly deserving and truly are making a positive impact within their communities; not just for the Boy Scouts.

What struck me the most though, was the start of the event, where all 350 people in attendance, stood and recited the Scout Oath and the Scout Law. It's been a long time, a very long time, since I last recited those words, let alone along with a group of that size. The Oath and Law remain unchanged over the course of 100 years of Scouting, and for good reason, the simplicity and wisdom is for the betterment of all.

There are oaths we take and promises we make throughout our lifetimes that stand to solidify our belief or serve to propel us forward. There are web pages and bookstore shelves overflowing with self help books. I am going to ask you to try these on for size and see if by adhering to them you don't find yourself moving closer to the direction you want for yourself.

The Scout Oath
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

The Scout Law
A Scout is:

and Reverent.

You can decide for yourself. Just substitute yourself for Scout. Only 4% of all boy scouts achieve the highest rank and honor of Eagle Scout, yet ALL scouts are taught to live by the above. I believe all of us men, women and our children stand to better ourselves whether in business or pleasure by reciting and making these concepts a part of our daily life.

I, for one, support Scouting.

What oath(s) do you live by?

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Just read this and how true!  I have two sons who both achieved Eagle Rank and both are amazing young men!  Both married and live each day to the fullest.  We are swear to alot of things, marriage, public positions, our own commitments to 'do better' today than yesterday.  We as managers in the auto industry owe it to those around us to be examples of integrity.  Each day I try to be a better person, some days I fail but most days I feel I made a difference for someone around me and that is what takes us forward.  Hope everyone tackles Monday (tomorrow) head on and swears an oath to themselves to make someone's day better.

Hi Steve.  Thanks for reading and commenting in regard to my post .  Congratulations to both of your sons and you and your wife. It is rare boys obtain the rank without the support and guidance of their parents and leaders, so I am fairly certain you guys were involved.  You are absolutely correct in regard to being the moral compass for the dealership and those you lead.  And while it is true we often fail, it is just as true if we keep the words of the oath we swear to fresh in our thoughts, we will make a positive impact on those around us. Best of success!


Steve Marsh said:

Just read this and how true!  I have two sons who both achieved Eagle Rank and both are amazing young men!  Both married and live each day to the fullest.  We are swear to alot of things, marriage, public positions, our own commitments to 'do better' today than yesterday.  We as managers in the auto industry owe it to those around us to be examples of integrity.  Each day I try to be a better person, some days I fail but most days I feel I made a difference for someone around me and that is what takes us forward.  Hope everyone tackles Monday (tomorrow) head on and swears an oath to themselves to make someone's day better.

Ernie you are well aware of the "oath" I/we have taken over the last 14 years and that is to effect as many lives as possible in a positive way in  the auto industry. Our Dealer Clients and Managers,the Salespeople we recruit and train and of course all the amazing people and their families that are AutoMax!

I salute you for your involvement in scouting and all the things you do both in our business but more importantly what you do in your community and family.

Craig, I definitely am aware and proud to be a part of it.  Much like Steve said, some days we fail, but far more often what we are committed to for all involved does come to fruition.  It wouldn't if you weren't the moral compass.  All of us play follow the leader.  Thank you for your thoughtful comment.  The fund raiser for the Scouts won't be easy, but if I don't put myself out there, I won't grow as a person.

Craig Lockerd said:

Ernie you are well aware of the "oath" I/we have taken over the last 14 years and that is to effect as many lives as possible in a positive way in  the auto industry. Our Dealer Clients and Managers,the Salespeople we recruit and train and of course all the amazing people and their families that are AutoMax!

I salute you for your involvement in scouting and all the things you do both in our business but more importantly what you do in your community and family.

I wasn't able to be a scout because of the schedule conflict with sports, but my father was a Scout Master.  He taught me and lived by the scout oath.  The way he lived his life is the best example I could have had.  My personal oath is simple, live every day as if it was your last, learn something new every day and treat people the way you would want to be treated.


Thanks Dave.  I've known you for a good number of years now and judging by the way people respond and act toward you it is safe to say you live by your oath.

Very cool David!

David L Hoier said:

I wasn't able to be a scout because of the schedule conflict with sports, but my father was a Scout Master.  He taught me and lived by the scout oath.  The way he lived his life is the best example I could have had.  My personal oath is simple, live every day as if it was your last, learn something new every day and treat people the way you would want to be treated.


Outstanding post, Ernie!!  The Oaths you have taken and lived by are the reasons you and Craig have been so successful.  You should both be very proud.


'I swore to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic" SEMPER FI

Strong Oath!

Thank God

Paul Hardy said:

'I swore to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic" SEMPER FI


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