Stop the Trial Closes

By David Lewis


In 2013, we saw the greatest increase in retail auto sales in the last six years.  Industry researchers expect this year to follow in the same trend predicting even better sales ahead.  With that in mind, now would be a good time to discard some of the old practices that have plagued our business for decades. 


For a start, it is time to stop the use of Trial Closes. These only add to the negative public perception of our business.  The pressure that they bring to the Customer is certainly one of the main reasons most people would rather go to a dentist than to a car Dealership to buy a vehicle.


Knowing that Customers come in with defenses set on high, this should cause us to work harder to eliminate their fears and apprehensions.  Yet, even today, many trainers teach Trial Closes as a viable method for selling and many Managers still approve of this practice.  Why do we continue to do this?  The Customers even expect us to do it.  This defensive posture is undoubtedly a direct result of pressure tactics such as the trial close.


Someone once said, “If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.”   With a good chance of having another year of record sales, now is not the time for repeating bad behaviors.  Instead, why not find a way to use this opportunity to mend our poor reputation with the public. With an industry rebound taking place, it’s a good time to put a new face on Dealer/Customer relations.  If 2013 shows us anything, it is that owning a new car is still a part of the American Dream. 


Most Salespeople believe that using Trial Closes helps them know where they are in the process and when to ask for the sale.  Though that may sound reasonable, it shortcuts the presentation and leaves out steps to the sale that are critical to what we should be doing.  If we feel the Customer is ready right after the Test Drive does this mean that we should just go for the Close?  What about the Service Walk?  Certainly that is a critical part of selling the Customer on the benefits of buying from our Dealership.


This may seem fine to someone only wanting to sell a car, but what if you are trying to sell the car, yourself and the Dealership?  Rushing to the Close before it is time weakens the potential for your Customer to take mental ownership.  The better you demonstrate all that you have to offer, the better your chances are for making the sale and earning a Customer for life.


In essence, every time you utilize a Trial Close you are asking for the sale.  The truth is, Trial Closes are usually done at the wrong time and in the wrong place.  Should we be closing on the lot?  No! Should we be closing on the Demonstration Drive?  Again, that is a no.  The best place to ask for the sale is at the end of a well structured sales process.  That’s when the time is right and when the Customer is best prepared to say yes.  And where should this take place?  At the Salesperson desk, not on the lot, where it may be cold, hot, rainy or snowy.


Consider this Trial Close that is often asked before the Customer has even had a chance to experience a proper Meet and Greet: “Are you buying a car today?”  Though it may seem innocent enough as a way to eliminate wasting time with a tire kicker, it is extremely rude and offensive.  Suppose this potential buyer had just been with a friend or family member who warned them to be on their guard against being pressured to buy a car today.  Do you think there is anything you could do now to eliminate that thought from coming to mind during your sales pitch?  Not very likely! They know and trust family and friends.  You, on the other hand, they just met; and you are a car Salesperson.


Telling the Customer to ‘park the car in the sold line’ after returning from a Demonstration Drive is another example of a Trial Close that is presumptuous and demeaning.  Before the Customer has even had a chance to tell you how they feel about the vehicle, you are trying to close the deal.  Even if they do like the car, you have probably just plummeted on their list of favorite Salespeople.  Don’t think they are buying the idea that you are protecting the car from some other Salesperson.  They know what you’re doing and all you just did was increase their defenses, not lowered them, and isn’t that the best way to earn a sale, to lower the Customers defensive posture?


Finally, let’s look at the Trial Close that is most often used and, in my mind, responsible for more lost opportunities than just about any other. This tactic is practically guaranteed to make the Customer more defensive and give you the one answer you do not want to hear:  “Mr. Customer, if we can come together on terms and numbers are you ready to buy the car today?” With that one question you have now reignited their defensive fires and more often than not their answer will be, “No, not today.”


Not only does the Customer move to a defensive posture again, but you have just shipwrecked all of the trust you may have developed to this point.  They will quickly move away to a place of safety and may even lie to avoid making a commitment of any kind.  Each step they take in reverse means your chances of gaining their trust again will be much harder than it was at first. 


Ironically, this statement is even more than just a Trial Close.  It is actually indirectly asking the Customer to buy the car.  Is this really the best place to do this?  When the Customer now says no, most of us will ask, why.  Now we are going to start overcoming objections.  And where is all of this taking place?  It happens right on the lot.  Again, not the best place to be asking a Customer to make a buying decision.  We will get an opportunity to ask for the sale.  Why not do it when all the value has been established and the environment is best suited for us to make the sale?


When a Salesperson uses words like now and today it pressures the Customer to rush to a decision they may not be ready to make. People don’t buy terms and numbers; they buy feelings. When your product, your personality and your Dealership make the Customer feel good they will usually find a way to buy what you are selling.  It is just that simple.  Pushing them to do so before they are ready only reinforces the fears they brought in with them and puts them on their guard.  This makes your job harder and less likely to produce a good result.


The Internet has given today’s Customers tremendous access to vehicle information, quality ratings and prices. This can often give them more confidence when they come to shop at a Dealership.  But it also lets them know that they have more choices of where they can go to buy what they are looking for.  If they do not get treated well and with respect at one Dealership they will go somewhere else to find what they want in a way they want to be sold.


The sooner we wake up and realize the harm that Trial Closes have done for this industry, the better off both we and our Customers will be.  It is the little foxes that spoil the vines. Though these may seem insignificant and acceptable, they are not.  Trial Closes will continue to have the same devastating effect on Customers and on the reputation of our industry if we do not stop using them once and for all.


When we forget that Customers are the most important part of our business, then we may as well get used to poor Customer satisfaction and declining profits.  By working hard to serve the Customer and do the best we can to give them everything they deserve, we insure for ourselves a bright future in this business.  People need cars and fulfilling that need is what we do for a living.  By doing it with integrity and professionalism we insure ourselves a fair portion of whatever the future holds for this business and for our individual careers.


David Lewis is the President of David Lewis & Associates, Inc. a National Training and Consulting Company that specializes in the Retail Automotive Industry.  He is also the author of 3 industry related books, “The Secrets of Inspirational Selling,” “The LEADERSHIP Factor,” and “Understanding Your Customer.” 





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Comment by Grant Cardone on June 4, 2014 at 8:11am
Mr Lewis clearly doesn't believe what he wrote here - or he is suffering from a new and wildly spreading phenomenon to be different and controversial in order to get attention. Which is fine but supposed forward thinking needs to be supported by reality. You don't discard practices that are legitimate just because they've been used since man traded donkeys and camels.

Not all trial closes are created equal and it is the intent with which you use them. BTW not all trial closes are verbal.

The real value in the trial close is not for the salesperson but for the buyer to reinforce their agreement or disagreement to a purchase. When the buyer confirms with communication it raises certainty and certainty is ESSENTIAL to the purchase and close.

What the customer doesn't like is the amount if TIME spent in car dealerships by sales people that aren't enthusiastic and confident in their skills.

Lawyers, bankers, sports agents, hedge funds guys and fund raisers that I work with use the trial close to do Million dollar transaction and reinforce the buyers certainty and agreement to take action and close.

I Respect Mr Lewis but he's starting to sound like some some of our confused politicians running our country into the ground with ideas of more handouts make people better somehow. Maybe the customer shouldn't be waited on at all or ever asked to buy. Let's face it "sign here" is a trial close up until the moment the customer signs.

Call 310-777-0255 for any clarifications of my opinions here.

Comment by David Ruggles on June 3, 2014 at 11:26pm

@ L. Whitrock - IF our sales person says to the customer early in their relationship, "Before you leave we want to make sure we give you all of the information you need to make a rational purchase decision, PLUS we WANT to give you some figures to think about," it becomes quite easy to get them inside to get some numbers.

Comment by David Ruggles on June 3, 2014 at 11:24pm

If the consumer isn't going to purchase today do we want to walk them with numbers?  If so, what kind of numbers?   What if the factory comes with a new program, either higher or lower?  What if we hit the next level in a stair step?  Consumers typically want a price quote signed in blood by the owner to take to our competitors.  Should we play along?  Has the Internet changed all of this.  These days the consumer is holding all the cards and they still aren't happy and want more. 

I believe that trial closes attempted early are toxic as David points out.  There IS a way to trial close at a perfect time, but the manager needs to do it IMHO.

Comment by James Jarrett on June 3, 2014 at 7:36pm

I greatly respect you David.  But I use and continue to use trial closes.  Maybe not the ones you cited.  The reality is this so tidal wave of new stuff in the business that supposedly is the new to sell doesn't work.  I firmly believe you can be customer centric and proactive and in the act of closing.  I am sorry but I am going to take the lead nicely, but firmly and lead them on the way to a sale.  This attitude is almost paramount to let's let the customer make the decision, let's not push.  New car stores are so afraid of CSI's anymore that we are afraid to ask for the business.  Remember these trial closes are supposed to happen as you are doing a good job  example(Picked the right car, Develop Rapport, Wants and Needs).  10 car a month clerks who make average pay checks wait for the customer to tell them they want to buy.  I lead them to the water and ask them to drink. 

Comment by L Wittrock on June 3, 2014 at 7:27pm

Ok-you're on the lot, after a test drive. How do you talk them to coming inside and discuss the car?

I have used trial closes for years, with great success.

Comment by Pat Kirley on June 3, 2014 at 7:02pm
I agree with your points and do think trial close make the customer more defensive and they see what is coming. It just makes the deal harder and image wise it is bad for the industry. But now the dealers and the manufacturers are putting the staff under pressure and the trial close and always be closing is the result. On mystery shops they expect trial closes.

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