Im starting a BDC department and I need some advice on some different techniques i can use to make this operation successful. any advice?

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Comment by Jason Mickelson on March 27, 2013 at 7:38pm

Mr. Natural offered a fantastic entrance for the blog post I recently completed when he typed, "The old days of feature bennifet/price justification are passing us by, as all cars are created more equal these days. A $20,000.00 car is a $20,000.00 car anymore."  This is partially true, but if you want the secret sauce, consider how and when you present your features, benefits, oh and advantages. You will find it here on DealerElite.

Features, _______, Benefits. What's Missing?


Comment by Jason Mickelson on March 27, 2013 at 6:11pm

Great news, Frank is alive and well.  I talked to him.  Didn't even ask for a penny.  I took all your advice and gave free advice. 

Your post confuses me Mr. Natural.  Should you show or tell when teaching?  Also, are you insinuating that some of us are unable to do?  I do not want to read into what you are typing.  As you know, 90% of our communication tools are lost when we only have words to go by. 

For anyone that wants to see me in the chair doing, my office is open (not free, but open).  There isn't a chair because I stand all day at my computer.  My efficiency improves greatly when I stand.  Even though you won't see me sitting, you are welcome to watch me do what I do. 

Comment by Mr. Natural on March 27, 2013 at 5:43pm

Bing, bing,Bing, bing,Bing, bing,Bing, bing,Bing, bing,Bing, bing,Bing, bing,Bing, bing, visualize cash pouring out of the slot machine...Show me, show me, show me!!! Show me how to dance!  Don't let them watch you in the chair, but rather put them in the chair and let them take the steps through the process. Process can be taught, the problem is that how do you teach talent, intuition, candor, and gregariousness? Some things you just have or you don't. So now we have moved up the stream to the recruiting process. Can talent be bought? Can talent be taught? Yes, if you can find someone with some to spare, or natural ability to learn.

The best way to solve any problem is to look as far upstream as possible. The farther upstream you can get, the less effort that will be required to make the biggest change at the end of the production line.

I forgot what we were talking about!

Comment by Joe Webb on March 27, 2013 at 5:28pm

Well that's just it, Mr. Natural.... I DO sell good emails, relationship-building phone skills, and a structured follow-up process that we can help input into a CRM if needed.  
I believe that what dealers need are not "tell me" consultants, but "show me" trainers.  People like Jason Mickelson and others definitely do the "show me" dance more than others.  

This is a fun thread.

Comment by Mr. Natural on March 27, 2013 at 5:08pm

Thanks Jason, this clears it up for me. I drove a Verde for about 10 years, but traded it in on a Cardone a while back. About that training though, I have long believed that in today's world its all about the relationship. No trust, no transparency, no deal...People want to buy from someone they like and trust. The old days of feature bennifet/price justification are passing us by, as all cars are created more equal these days. A $20,000.00 car is a $20,000.00 car anymore.

As far as training goes, I don't know where Joe stands, but I stand on the most basic principals. There's a lot of fancy stuff the trainers would have us digital sales people buy, but what we really need is what you can't buy. A good email, relationship building skills for the phone, a ton of persistence, and a structured follow up with a solid CRM.  In my mind there 'aint nothin' that can't be fixed with a good phone call. (I'm not kidding)

What ever happened to the three D's? (A demo, a draw, and a day off)

Comment by Jason Mickelson on March 27, 2013 at 4:48pm

Mr. Natural, I believe that Joe was showing how he is new and different and should not be compared to anyone who is regurgitating Verde and Cardone.  Verde training is sales training, but not real focused on selling cars in the digital age.  I believe Joe is very unique and has a relative role in today's industry.  He is able to teach new and fresh points that old school trainers have never touched on.  While I agree, hyperlinking is now a common term, the witty use of sarcasm was a perfect illustration in my mind.  Hope that helps Mr. Natural. 

Comment by Mr. Natural on March 27, 2013 at 11:32am

Hmmmm....Did we not know how to make Hyperlinks? Or was I on a different thread? I seem to detect a note of sarcasm here, did I miss something?  This poor guy just had a simple question, and now he's fallen into a pit so deep not even light can escape.  I think I see Frank way over there on the event horizon.

Comment by Zachary Dunn @YourAutoGuyZach on March 26, 2013 at 9:26pm

Not sure about Frank, but I like what I've read so far! I'm just happy Joe showed us how to hyperlink. Check that one off without the book!! 

Comment by Jason Mickelson on March 26, 2013 at 8:33pm

This just in, Frank reportedly ran into traffic!  Not sure if it was the same Frank though.


Comment by Barrett Schrader on March 26, 2013 at 4:35pm

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