Cheat Them out of Time… Then Give Them the Leftovers? Why?

It has been a personnel tendency, to spend so much intensified time in the work place. Being on time to learn, try to help others, giving my all out energy so we could have success. No matter what, you just want the best for everyone. When the customer keeps you late, it was always okay.  Someone needs a ride home 15 minutes out of your way, no problem. The manufacturer, calls at closing time, keeps you an extra hour, perfectly fine.  At the end of every day, you feel like you have put out 100% plus more.

Now, you have just put in a 12 hour day. You have arrived, you are home.  You can’t wait to put that same energy out there for the family right? Willing to do whatever it takes. 

Why would we give our career family 12 hours a day, all out energy, our undivided attention, then come home for 4 hours, and give our family an hour or two, of whatever we have left in the tank?

Remember, in our business one year turns into five in a flash. Our children, start first grade and bam, we are at their High School Graduation, with tears in our eyes, asking ourselves, where did the time go?

We have to pay attention to this business, things change daily. We also, have to pay this same attention to our spouses and children, they change daily too.  You need to get to those soccer games, the dance recitals. Through personal experience, girls need their fathers so much to help guide their emotions, so they can make good choices, as they get older.  Being in their lives, to read books when they are little, turns into texting them three times a day, when they are in junior high. They need to have training too. I always explain to my daughter, who is now 13, I know you are a great young lady, who makes good choices. It is not you, but the situation that you can put yourself in, that could be in question.

FACT:  I have a 28 year old DAUGHTER, who has a son. That makes me a Grandfather. I have a wonderful wife who has been both the mother and the father for our children. In many situations, I have cheated them out of too much time and they have gotten the leftovers, whatever I had left at the end of every day. 

That being said, if I am not working, I am with the family.

I will not be at my 13 year olds High School Graduation, with tears running down my face, asking myself, “Where did the time go?”  I will be at her graduation, with tears running down my face, thanking God that I was able to be a significant part of her life.

The business is worth millions but the family is PRICELESS!!!

In closing, you can be the best in this business, with time and energy. Be the best in your family business, with the same intensity and positive energy.

Do not cheat them out of anymore time and do not let them experience just the leftovers!

Go all out with the throttle wide open at home!!!
It will be worth every minute!!!

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Comment by Mike Warwick on June 27, 2011 at 1:47pm
This touches on one of the real problems in our business - the complete lack of balance.  I recently took a position with a dealer group and fully expected to be immersed in the 70+ hour a week struggle. I worked my first week and naturally showed up Saturday morning ready to roll up my sleeves. The Vice President of the company looked at me and said, "It's Saturday, what are you doing here?" I said that I assumed that we all worked on Saturdays. He laughed and said, "If you can't get your work done from Monday through Friday, you need a time management class."  We are all expected to work hard but we are also expected to have a life outside of work.  What a refreshing change! I've never been happier at work or at home.  Yes, I usually still work a few hours on Saturday but this schedule has given me balance in my life and forced me to work smarter from Monday through Friday.  It's not the hours we put in but what we put in to those hours. I can honestly say that I am more productive working 45-50 hours a week than I was working 70+.
Comment by Tony Provost on June 27, 2011 at 12:58pm
Katie- Thanks for the comments. I am happy for you. Have a great day.
Comment by Katie Colihan on June 27, 2011 at 12:45pm

I went through a realization like this a few months ago. I was making $3000 a month. I was "rolling" in the money. But I was a robotic form of myself. I had no time for friends. No time to do what twentysomethings are supposed to do. Granted, I'm a business woman, but I'm a friend, daughter, and PERSON first. 


I quit TWO of my jobs. I'm not making as much money right now, but I'm so much more happy. I'm perfectly fine not bringing in 3k a month. I'm okay with having a budget. I'm even more okay for having time to see my baby cousins grow up, spending time with my family, and taking care of me.


Awesome share! Thank you!

Comment by Tony Provost on June 25, 2011 at 2:32pm
Fran- I truly appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my blogs. A LEGEND like yourself, humbles me.
Comment by Fran Taylor on June 25, 2011 at 2:20pm
Wonderful info Tony that makes sense. A man that made $60,000,000 a year asked me a question. Bruce said thinking like a businessman what is the most important thing you have ? The average answer is family. Bruce said TIME was the answer. Spend more TIME at work doing things that others won't to make more money and you will have more money and TIME to be with the family.  Great point. Best of luck Tony.
Comment by Tony Provost on June 25, 2011 at 12:42pm
Bruce- Thanks. The next blog will be posted next week. "DON'T FIGHT IT... JUST WRITE IT... IT WORKS!!!!
Comment by Bruce O'Brien on June 25, 2011 at 12:36pm


you speak the truth....

Well written.... i can not wait to read what you are going to write next.


Comment by Tony Provost on June 23, 2011 at 5:56pm
Chris- You are the man. Thank you for the support. This site is promoting the most incredible people in the business to put their talents on paper. I BELIEVE this site will have people, addressing, adjusting and promoting, their businesses, at never ending levels. With so much energy, PRODUCTION will follow. DealerELITE, IS responsible for people PRODUCTIVITY. PUT A VALUE ON THAT!!!
Comment by Tony Provost on June 23, 2011 at 3:51pm
Stephanie- Time and money is totally reversed. It is great, that you see your father as being amazing. I believe, if we can make our children's lives, have more opportunity then we had, we have done something right.
Comment by Stephanie Young on June 23, 2011 at 3:36pm
Now, that is barring your soul!!!  Humbly honest and raw lessons from someone in the practice.  My father still sees me as a five year old.  Why?  After five, his career became his focus.  He was still a father, but on "leftover" time.  I believe I had and have an amazing father but when I look into his eyes, I see the wonderment of where did this grown up girl come from.  So thankful you spoke up because time is one asset that if you waste, you can never make up.

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