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Last year, women purchased an estimated 27.5 million (1) vehicles – an impressive 75,000 units a day., the premier car dealer review site focusing on women consumers, has released a comprehensive 2014 US Women’s Car Buying and Dealership Report detailing the experiences women have shopping, buying, leasing and servicing their vehicles at car dealerships.

The research comes from over 2,900 women’s surveys from the company’s website. From these surveys, the company generates a Women Satisfaction Index® or WSI score. The range is from a 5.0 (the highest) to 1.0 (the lowest).

As President and Car Buying Advocate of team I'm thrilled to publish this first-ever report. While women have felt underserved by the auto industry in the past, our data and analytics show that on the whole, women are having very positive experiences today at car dealerships. Not surprisingly, when studying the data by brand and certainly by dealership, distinct differences are revealed.

Unlike other 5-star review sites, offers women the opportunity to write a quick review and then opt-in to a ‘deeper dive’ survey to share more thoroughly about her dealership visit. We were pleased that almost 90% of the reviewers opted-in to the survey. To say we were surprised and delighted by this percentage is an understatement. The bottom line is that women are receptive and generous regarding sharing their experiences and visits at the dealership.

The data collected by the company is used by manufacturers and dealerships to better understand, improve and shape the customer's experience and engagement, as well to take the guesswork out of marketing and selling to women.

Key Findings

  • When shopping for a vehicle, the average WSI was 4.25. The top five rated shopping brands by women are Ford, Jeep, Chevrolet, Mitsubishi and Mercedes-Benz
  • When purchasing a vehicle, the average WSI was 4.65. The top five rated purchasing brands by women are Mercedes-Benz, Dodge, Mitsubishi, Jeep and Lexus
  • When leasing (a subset of purchasing), the average WSI was 4.80

Please click to view the entire 2014 Women's Car Buying Report highlighting the purchasing power of women and their experiences today at car dealerships - as well as by brand performance.

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Comment by Anne Fleming on March 4, 2014 at 9:25am

Sally -- wow.... sorry to hear that on many levels. Bet you had to bite your tongue to stop from jumping in there and training them. We are in the human business. Every day I get to get up and Practice-Practice-Practice, and practice some more. Some days are better than others... lol.

That is why there are coaches (trainers) who create the playbooks (bet practices) and help others implements what calls to play and what are the best actions to run, that will create the best outcomes (sales)!  Sally, thanks for your feedback. 

Comment by Sally Whitesell on March 4, 2014 at 9:13am

Thanks for this important information!  You know this is a subject near to my heart.  I just bought a new car and had a very long day full of well meaning sales professionals, (Nice Guys) using inappropriate remarks and making huge social mistakes.  We still have a long way to go but at least we are making progress.  Keep sharing all of your critical data!

Comment by Anne Fleming on February 25, 2014 at 7:16pm

Chris -- thanks for the note. This report is made avail to the dE members so they can use to better understand this key buying segment. MORE IMPORTANTLY, this report IS available FOR INDIVIDUAL dealership or dealership groups. That is a huge way can dealers drive their businesses by getting personalized feedback and KPI's and applying it to sales and marketing.  Anyone interested, can hit my off line, 

Comment by Chris Saraceno on February 25, 2014 at 6:21pm

Excellent Information

Comment by Anne Fleming on February 7, 2014 at 9:31am

David -- really great points here. The best measuring of what another person is actually DOING is called 'ethnography' - and is a science unto itself an is always measured by another person (as humans have no objectivity  in "measuring" themselves). Ethnography costs so much money, time and is cubersome -- following people around -- yet, to your point, its the ONLY way to get an accurate read. 

We came up with an affordable alternative solution and rather than just asking the standard '5 star" questions, ours are a deeper dive into what her experience was.... but there are still limits, even with this. Its the best independent report to our knowledge on capturing these experiences in a comprehensive manner - by shopping, buying and service. Most appreciate your feedback, David! 

Comment by David Ruggles on February 6, 2014 at 10:28pm

It has been commonly known for a few decades that women either made or influenced the majority of vehicle purchase decisions.  And it has also been known that this has occurred despite the fact that the retail sales industry has been overly male dominated.  Men tend to see the business int terms of sports or war metaphors, which is just another form of adolescent penis measuring.  It is one of the reasons there is so much turnover in the business.  Humans, not just females, would prefer to do business with someone they know and trust.  When one has to find a new sales person every time one buys a car it is additional and unnecessary hassle for the buyer.

What I would really like to see is a survey that actually understands how to measure what people do, rather than what they think they think.  For example, surveys typically say consumers hate to bargain and negotiate.  Yet, in the real world that's the first thing they try to do.  They want dealers to make it easy for them to shop by providing a "best price" they can use in their shopping.  That's like asking your poker partners to show their cards before you place your own bet.

If survey question developers don't know there is no such thing as a dealer "best price," they ask survey questions that illicit answers that don't work in the real world.  Consumers DO want to play the game.  They just want to be guaranteed a win, and will pout if they don't receive that.  They'll keep shopping until someone satisfies them.  There's no magic formula because we aren't all the same and each formula only works for a small segment of buyers.

Comment by Pat Kirley on February 6, 2014 at 8:42pm
Hi Anne
Glad you enjoyed Dunlin.
My question was what is the MSI
And unit sales male/female

Look me up next time you are in Ireland
Comment by Anne Fleming on February 6, 2014 at 7:19pm

Braden -- you are so welcome. Our data is available -- can be used by Dealership Groups, single store, or OEM's -- its all about taking the guess work out of selling to women! It all comes from a dealers' consumers reviews. Am glad you enjoyed and hope you got one thing you can take back to your business with you! 

Comment by Anne Fleming on February 6, 2014 at 7:16pm

Pat -- not sure I understand your question, can you clarify? btw, have been to Dublin many times, indeed. Lovely city! 

Comment by Pat Kirley on February 6, 2014 at 3:06pm
How does this compare with MSI and units our based by men

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