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Are your company's meetings productive?

Are you getting value out of your weekly team meetings? Do you have a game plan prepared before every meeting? 

Does your weekly meeting start off with topics such as: leftover food in the fridge, trash in the parking lot? Things that matter but can easily be addressed at a more convenient time.

Click the link below to receive a outline of what you…


Added by Rob Gehring on March 28, 2014 at 2:48pm — No Comments

Change: The DNA of Success

While the experts pontificate on which direction the automobile business is headed, thousands of professionals go about their day totally unaware of the chatter. Intellectual enthusiasts debate the next greatest enhancement to the business as innovators sell their wares. Change, as a necessary evolution; is as essential as the invention of the integrated…


Added by Joe Clementi on March 28, 2014 at 1:05pm — 6 Comments


Do you have problems communicating with someone?

It could be your spouse, or a co-worker.

Do you finish their sentences?

Do you cut them off when they are talking?

It could be frustrating.

Sometimes you just have…


Added by Tim Marvel on March 27, 2014 at 11:00pm — No Comments

- Are You Ready For Close Out?


Hey, Mr. Seeker Hold on to this advice

If you keep seeking you will find

Don't want to follow

Down roads been walked before

It's so hard to find unopened doors

Are you ready? Are you…


Added by MANNY LUNA on March 27, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Craigslist Marketing Continues to Grow Up

Craigslist Marketing Continues to Grow Up

Since the onset of the $5 charge on Craigslist, dealerships have taken on a multitude of approaches on how they not only understand this marketplace, but more importantly utilize this marketplace to attract customers to visit their dealerships.

The most important thing that we have learned is that dealerships not posting inventory are…


Added by Jason Turner on March 27, 2014 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Are You Hiring Real Gold or Fools Gold?

Time and time again I continue to hear that dealers and other companies are having a hard time finding and keeping the right good employees.

A couple of things come to mind when they say this:

1. With turnover like the fast food business, we must be doing something wrong.

2. What is your recruiting and hiring process look like? In most cases, it…


Added by Chuck Barker on March 27, 2014 at 10:29am — 2 Comments

Monthly Lease Payments See Rise From Year Ago, the nation’s largest car lease marketplace, reports that the average monthly payment for a car lease on the road in February is $591.70, up from last month’s average of $572.42 and compared with an average payment of $569.23 a year ago.

Compared with year-ago payments on today’s most popular vehicles, the Chevrolet Volt has had the largest monthly payment decline dropping from $424.50 a year ago to $297.56 today. The aggressive lease deals and incentives on Volt…


Added by John Sternal on March 27, 2014 at 10:15am — No Comments

Why Steve Jobs Hated Branding and Marketing

A recent interview with former Apple VP of Worldwide Marketing, Allison Johnson, offered up some interesting insights into the legendary businessman Steve Jobs. In her interview, she explained how the two words that Jobs hated most were “branding” and “marketing.” According to Johnson, people equated branding with…


Added by Richard Holland on March 27, 2014 at 9:47am — No Comments

The Automotive Advertising Experts Show on March 28th 2014 Will Feature An Interview With Michael Wynns Discussing The Automotive Leadership Roundtable & Awards, (ALR)

The Automotive Advertising Experts show is hosted on Blog Talk Radio and featured on AdAgencyOnline.Net – an auto industry networking resource portal.  Philip Zelinger, the President of Ad Agency Online and host of the show, will interview Michael Wynns, the President of Automotive Resource Partner, (ARP) on Fri., March…


Added by Philip Zelinger on March 26, 2014 at 7:10pm — 2 Comments

Where does Profit Improvement start? At the Service Managers Desk, of course!

In every Dealership there is a desk. And behind that desk sits someone who has the responsibility to increase Profits.

In Fixed Ops, this person is called the Service Manager.

Typically  (when I go into a store that is not profitable), I find the person sitting behind that desk working on everything not related to increasing Profits while believing that they are working on everything related to increasing Profits.

I call it the “Theory of Un-relativity” and it goes like…


Added by Leonard Buchholz on March 26, 2014 at 6:18pm — No Comments

Automotive Internet Sales Interviews Best Selling Author & Syndicated Radio Show Host, Dr. Willey Jolley 267-319-6776

Automotive Internet Sales Interviews Best Selling Author & Syndicated Radio Show Host, Dr. Willey…


Added by Sean V. Bradley on March 26, 2014 at 4:01pm — No Comments

Sometimes it takes 4 strikes before you hit a homerun.

No matter if you are a Green Pea or an Old Dog, we’ve all been guilty of not asking for the sale. Even after we’ve spent hours of getting our customers to like us, maniacally sprinting across the lot with the battery box to jump start a vehicle, moved a half dozen vehicles in search for the “one,” or climbed in and out of scorching 180…


Added by Marsh Buice on March 26, 2014 at 10:55am — No Comments

Why Multi-Channel Marketing is Vital to Your Success

Consumers today are increasingly becoming finicky about where and how they want to communicate. While the past may have seen a traditional print ad performing well on its own, that’s increasingly not the case. Data supports the fact that consumers are all over the place and successful marketers know that their message needs to be at every potential touch point possible. The…


Added by Scott T Joseph on March 26, 2014 at 10:25am — No Comments

68% purchased Service Contract

In 2013 - Our clients sold 68% of their customers a Service Contract, on Non CPO used cars!

  • In all likelihood your present penetrations for those vehicle (NON CPO) is likely far less than than 68%
  • There is no other product in the marketplace that is as sell able and we cover cars less than 10 year old and less than 100K at POS.  That covers 95% of a new car franchises inventory.
  • The reason is new car coverage for used cars and…

Added by Chuck Scalies on March 26, 2014 at 9:06am — No Comments

Do you need help finding and keeping Technicians?

Many dealerships today have a problematic theme in their shops. The struggle I am talking about is finding, and keeping technicians.

On this call we had a special guest speaker Mr. Joe Henry. Mr. Henry is the President of a successful website that helps dealers connect with Technicians, and Advisors…


Added by Rob Gehring on March 25, 2014 at 3:14pm — No Comments

Is your F&I Manager a hybrid?


Added by Rob Gehring on March 25, 2014 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Sean V. Bradley & Best Selling Author, Dr. Willie Jolley Discuss The Internet Sales 20 Group - Atlantic City, NJ 856-546-2440

Sean V. Bradley & Dr. Willie Jolley Discuss The Internet Sales 20 Group - Atlantic City,…


Added by Sean V. Bradley on March 25, 2014 at 1:11pm — No Comments

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